Specializing in the two forms of tax disputes (fiscal administrative and fiscal contentious law), our lawyers company has the necessary experienced to settle immediately all types of tax disputes between a central or local public authority and a natural person. In this respect, our law office will always give the customer a lawyer for the disputes arising from the interpretation or implementation of tax administrative acts, concerning both the administrative authorities and the petitioners.
With respect to legal issues related to administrative litigation, our lawyers company will provide:
- Legal advice for the public authority issuing the preliminary stages of the administrative act;
- Legal advice regarding the complainant’s report with central and local public authorities;
- Consulting in favor of the complainant in writing and submit any requests by central and local public authorities and legal representation and assistance in relation to those in Bucharest or neighboring counties;
- Legal assistance and representation in the court of administrative and fiscal from Bucharest or neighboring counties, throughout the trial;
- Legal representation and assistance of the taxpayer during the enforcement of tax claims.